Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Le même maire aurait fait plaisir à Zeymmour et direct bombardé Molenbeck.

Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Sauf que là t'as rien à évacuer avant.

« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Romanian sewer workers accidentally discovered a cave which was sealed for 5.5 million years. Movile Cave is filled with evolutionary distinct exotic creatures (albino crabs, worms) which feed off sulfur-producing bacteria

http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150904 … oison-cave


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)



Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Paul-Félix Armand-Delille, le mec qui a buté "accidentellement" 45% des lapins d'europe parce qu'il en avait marre qu'ils squattent son jardin.

Paul-Félix Armand-Delille (3 July 1874 in Fourchambault, Nièvre – 4 September 1963) was a physician, bacteriologist, professor, and member of the French Academy of Medicine who accidentally brought about the collapse of rabbit populations throughout much of Europe and beyond in the 1950s by infecting them with the myxomatosis virus.

It was during his retirement that the events for which he became best known took place. Having read of the effectiveness of the myxomatosis virus in dealing with rabbit plagues in Australia, in 1952 Armand-Delille decided to introduce the virus onto his 3 km² private estate of Chateau Maillebois in Eure-et-Loir. He believed that the enclosed nature of the estate would prevent its spread. Inoculating two rabbits with virus acquired from a laboratory in Lausanne, Armand-Delille succeeded in rapidly eradicating the population on his estate, with 98% of the rabbits being dead within 6 weeks. However, within 4 months it became clear that the virus had escaped from his estate, the corpse of an infected rabbit having been found 50 km away.[1][2]

Within a year of the initial release, an estimated 45% of the wild rabbits of France had died of the disease, along with 35% of domestic rabbits, and the disease had spread to the rest of western Europe, destroying rabbit populations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Britain, and beyond. The effect on the rabbit population of France was dramatic. In the hunting season covering the year of the release of the virus, 1952–53, the total number of rabbits killed in 25 hunts exceeded 55 million. The figure for 1956-57 was just 1.3 million, a 98% reduction.

Armand-Delille found himself both condemned by rabbit hunters and showered with praise by farmers and foresters. He was prosecuted, and in January 1955 he was convicted and fined 5,000 francs.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul-F%C3 … nd-Delille


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Je n'oublierai jamais ce souvenir d'enfance où tous les lapins dans les clapiers avaient les yeux gonflés, mon père les foutait dans des sacs-poubelle que l'on jetait dans la nature, j'imagine qu'aujourd'hui je gueulerais, mais ça avait l'air normal à l'époque.

Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

صلاح الدين آكلى لحوم البش a écrit:

mais ça avait l'air normal à l'époque.

dans le fin fond de la campagne de bouseux où je vivais.

Jamais vu ça par chez nous ! Et je suis plus vieux pourtant. C"est quoi cette technique de merde pour balancer cette maladie en pleine nature ? J'ai toujours vu les paysans (généralement chasseurs aussi), les enterrer pour éviter que ça se propage plus.

J'ai aussi le souvenir des parents qui nous disaient de ne pas s'approcher des lapins avec les yeux rouges. Parce que bien atteint, ils se laissaient approcher.

« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Oulah, c'était vers Limoges, dans le genre France profonde de l'extrême, ça le faisait quand même.


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Je connais que les gens qui foutent les bestioles dans des sacs et les sacs vont dans le cours d'eau/lac/étang le plus proche.

Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Vous avez des relations de merde

« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Tarrare, un Français qui avait tout le temps faim, mangeait n'importe quoi dont des chats vivants et ne prenait pas de poids.

Tarrare (c. 1772 – 1798), sometimes spelled Tarare, was a French showman and soldier, noted for his unusual eating habits. Able to eat vast amounts of meat, he was constantly hungry; his parents could not provide for him, and he was turned out of the family home as a teenager. He travelled France in the company of a band of thieves and prostitutes, before becoming the warm-up act to a travelling charlatan; he would swallow corks, stones, live animals and a whole basketful of apples. He then took this act to Paris where he worked as a street performer.

Despite his unusual diet, Tarrare was slim and of average height.[9] At the age of 17, he weighed only 100 pounds (45 kg; 7 st 2 lb).[1][5] He was described as having unusually soft fair hair and an abnormally wide mouth, in which his teeth were heavily stained[9] and on which the lips were almost invisible.[10][11] When he had not eaten, his skin would hang so loosely that he could wrap the fold of skin from his abdomen around his waist.[9][10] When full, his abdomen would distend "like a huge balloon".[6] The skin of his cheeks was wrinkled and hung loosely, and when stretched out, he could hold twelve eggs or apples in his mouth.[11][12] His body was hot to the touch and he sweated heavily, constantly suffering from foul body odour;[9][11] he was described as stinking "to such a degree that he could not be endured within the distance of twenty paces".[11] This smell would get noticeably worse after he had eaten,[10][11] his eyes and cheeks would become bloodshot,[9] a visible vapour would rise from his body,[11] and he would become lethargic, during which time he would belch noisily and his jaws would make swallowing motions.[11] He suffered from chronic diarrhoea, which was said to be "fetid beyond all conception".[11] Despite his large intake of food, he did not appear either to vomit excessively or to gain weight.[13]


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Donc le mec c'était Eugène Tooms


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Alison Botha, a South African woman who survived 46 stabs to her throat and abdomen by using one hand to hold up her partially severed head and the other to carry her disemboweled intestines in a t-shirt until she reached help.

https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa … YkKPKJTCz4

Belphegor's Prime. It's a prime number that is also a palindrome. It's named after the Prince of Hell for ingenious inventions because it contains two sets of 13 zeroes with 666 in the center. The palindromic prime number is 1000000000000066600000000000001.



Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

egzellan le belphegor's prime

« On t'nique ta mère et ta grand-mère, si elle est toujours en vie » - B2O


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to … n-my-mouth

Le véritable asile, un site de pères de familles qui sont comme ça, on ne peut rien y faire.


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

J’aurai tellement peur de me faire mordre la bite dans un mauvais réflexe de mastication.


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Bruxisme sur ton gland


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)


Le véritable asile, un site de pères de familles qui sont comme ça, on ne peut rien y faire.

Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Il peut le réécrire son article. 


« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

http://nautil.us/issue/86/energy/why-bi … nt-everest

Le véritable asile, un site de pères de familles qui sont comme ça, on ne peut rien y faire.


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

https://www.privacyaffairs.com/dark-web … ndex-2020/

Le véritable asile, un site de pères de familles qui sont comme ça, on ne peut rien y faire.


Re : Trouvailles insolites/intéressantes (lechat interdit)

Ce qui me fait halluciner, ce sont plus ce genre de trucs : https://zerodium.com/program.html