Re : Actu
Joli troll de sa part en tout cas: … wsrc%5Etfw
This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey.
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Joli troll de sa part en tout cas: … wsrc%5Etfw
This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey.
Le saviez-vous ? Cette chanson des Red Hot a été composée après que Sinnead ai jeté Anthony Kiedis mais heureusement pour lui ça ne l'a pas fait revenir.
Le saviez tu ? Nothing compare To you a était écrit par Prince.
C'est plutôt sympa de la part de ce bamboula de lui avoir refiler sa best song
C'est pour ça que ça ressemble grave à Purple Rain du coup.
Le saviez-vous ? Purple Rain a été enregistré en grande partie live comme rappel dans un club de Minneapolis.
Le saviez-vous ? Prince a tellement kiffé la parodie de Dave Chappelle qu'il a mis une photo du sketch en jaquette d'un de ses singles.
Le saviez-vous également ? Pour Bad, Michael Jackson avait envisagé un duo avec Prince, mais celui-ci a refusé en partie parce que la première phrase est "Your butt is mine" et que dans tous les cas ça allait être bizarre.
Le saviez tu ? C'est Charles Aznavour qui devait chanter le Zizi de Pierre Perret.
Toujours plus looooiiiiin dans la liberté d'expression (en Autriche) … evelopment
Elle a vraiment un poids la CEDH ? (c'est une question pour les juristes d'ici...)
Le[url={%22itemid%22:[%22001-187188%22]}] compte-rendu[/url] fait froid dans le dos, on dirait un truc de mauvaise foi d'une dictature.
The statements which the court found incriminating were the following:
English translation:
“I./ 1. One of the biggest problems we are facing today is that Muhammad is seen as the ideal man, the perfect human, the perfect Muslim. That means that the highest commandment for a male Muslim is to imitate Muhammad, to live his life. This does not happen according to our social standards and laws. Because he was a warlord, he had many women, to put it like this, and liked to do it with children. And according to our standards he was not a perfect human. We have huge problems with that today, that Muslims get into conflict with democracy and our value system ...
2. The most important of all Hadith collections recognised by all legal schools: The most important is the Sahih Al-Bukhari. If a Hadith was quoted after Bukhari, one can be sure that all Muslims will recognise it. And, unfortunately, in Al-Bukhari the thing with Aisha and child sex is written...
II./ I remember my sister, I have said this several times already, when [S.W.]made her famous statement in Graz, my sister called me and asked: “For God’s sake. Did you tell [S.W.]that?” To which I answered: “No, it wasn’t me, but you can look it up, it’s not really a secret.” And her: “You can’t say it like that!” And me: “A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? What do you call that? Give me an example? What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?” Her: “Well, one has to paraphrase it, say it in a more diplomatic way.” My sister is symptomatic. We have heard that so many times. “Those were different times” – it wasn’t okay back then, and it’s not okay today. Full stop. And it is still happening today. One can never approve something like that. They all create their own reality, because the truth is so cruel ...”
The Regional Court found that the above statements essentially conveyed the message that Muhammad had had paedophilic tendencies. It stated that the applicant was referring to a marriage which Muhammad had concluded with Aisha, a six-year old, and consummated when she had been nine. The court found that by making the statements the applicant had suggested that Muhammad was not a worthy subject of worship. However, it also found that it could not be established that the applicant had intended to decry all Muslims. She was not suggesting that all Muslims were paedophiles, but was criticising the unreflecting imitation of a role model. According to the court, the common definition of paedophilia was a primary sexual interest in children who had not yet reached puberty. Because paedophilia was behaviour which was ostracised by society and outlawed, it was evident that the applicant’s statements were capable of causing indignation. The court concluded that the applicant had intended to wrongfully accuse Muhammad of having paedophilic tendencies. Even though criticising child marriages was justifiable, she had accused a subject of religious worship of having a primary sexual interest in children’s bodies, which she had deduced from his marriage with a child, disregarding the notion that the marriage had continued until the Prophet’s death, when Aisha had already turned eighteen and had therefore passed the age of puberty. In addition, the court found that because of the public nature of the seminars, which had not been limited to members of the Freedom Party, it was conceivable that at least some of the participants might have been disturbed by the statements.
it had to examine whether the comments at issue were merely provocative or had been intended as an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam. It concluded that the latter was the case as Muslims would find the applicant’s statements – “he liked to do it with children”, “the thing with Aisha and child sex” and “a 56-year-old and a six-year-old? What do you call that? Give me an example? What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?” – wrong and offensive, even if Muhammad had married a six-year-old and had intercourse with her when she had been nine.
Bon ben il lui reste plus qu'à déclarer qu'en fait la pédophilie c'est pas si mal vu que Mohammed le faisait, qu'elle se prenne un procès de l'autre bord et qu'on regarde le monde exploser par la simple force du paradoxe.
Note qu'au Canada une femme ne peut pas être pédophile … woman.html
“These are damaged, needy, lonely women,” says Pearce, “not necessarily pedophiles.”
Il se passe quoi au Canada ces derniers temps ? Ils se prennent trop de radiations cosmiques ou quoi ?
Quand tu parles des derniers temps, tu parles des deux derniers siècles ?
Jusqu'il y a quelques années je n'entendais pas ces délires ultra-SJW. Et pourtant on avait reblochon, paix à son âme.
Regarde Chavez ça se trouve à la base il était normal.
Faut dire qu'à force de se faire victimiser par les serveurs de Montparnasse il a fini par virer justicier. On ne naît pas canadien, on le devient. … 44810.html
Elle a vraiment un poids la CEDH ? (c'est une question pour les juristes d'ici...)
Elle nous fout des amendes tout les ans nan ?
Et la jurisprudence que ca va amener putain, les prochaines années vont être tendax.
De ce que j’ai compris elle valide la loi anti blasphème du pays, ça veut pas dire que ça devient la norme dans les autres pays.
FREDZONE: Cette Intelligence artificielle est capable de simuler le sexe oral. … paign=feed
"Vulva paper", on en apprend tous les jours. Merci internet. … oc-1a86wk8
Le dernier aveu en fin d'article est dingue.
Il doit avoir des problèmes de vue pour lire son dossier aussi près
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