2 876

Re : Gaming news

صلاح الدين آكلى لحوم البش a écrit:

Ah, pas regardé ça, j'espère qu'on peut au moins aller jusqu'à quatre.

On a testé a 4 déjà,  sans problème.

SojaMoule : "Tu perds ton temps, c'est l'asile et je t'emmerde. Dans ta forteresse de certitudes apprises à l'école ou dans tes lectures, tu n'es pas le dépositaire de la vérité absolue."
Reblochon : "As-tu quelque chose d'intéressant et constructif à dire  ? Oui ? Lâche toi ! Non ? TA PUTAIN DE GUEULE D'ATTARDÉ, tu la fermes. Bisous"

2 877

Re : Gaming news

Ca me la dit bien. On avait testé vite fait avec Rain Aenema et Pinou, faut gérer son temps et savoir quoi faire dès la première journée si tu veux survivre un peu.

2 878

Re : Gaming news

Thermostat a écrit:


Vous avez eu droit à un plan d'action des 30 premiers jours sur une feuille quadrillée ?

SojaMoule : "Tu perds ton temps, c'est l'asile et je t'emmerde. Dans ta forteresse de certitudes apprises à l'école ou dans tes lectures, tu n'es pas le dépositaire de la vérité absolue."
Reblochon : "As-tu quelque chose d'intéressant et constructif à dire  ? Oui ? Lâche toi ! Non ? TA PUTAIN DE GUEULE D'ATTARDÉ, tu la fermes. Bisous"

2 879

Re : Gaming news

Avec synchronisation des montres

2 880

Re : Gaming news

Testé vite fait cette nuit, c'est plus hard qu'en solo, les journées passent plus vite, et le perso de mon pote était carnivore, donc obligés de trouver de la viande dès le début :-)

2 881

Re : Gaming news

Brutal Doom v20 out! \o/


- Headshot system was completely remade. This fixed a bug causing headshot kills to not contabilize to a player's score on a multiplayer game, and has a better way to calculate damage input, making every attack deal a fixed double ammount of damage.
- Added uncountable new attack, pain, fatality, and death animations for all monsters.
- All gore and blood sprites from other games such as Blood were completely removed, and new ones, better fitting Doom's art style, were added.
- You can now dual wield the assault rifles.
- Many sounds for gore and environment were changed, to add more variety.
- Fixed a bug causing the Revenant Missile Launcher's projectiles to not lock on enemies.
- Blood pools will form around a killed monster.
- Greatly improved driping blood effects.
- Improved bullet decals.
- Every projectile such plasmaballs and fireballs will leave decals on floor and ceiling.
- The Spidermastermind's collision and movement was completely remade. Now the players will be able to walk under it's legs, but if you run directly into it's moving legs, you will be stomped.
- Fixed explosive barrel's colision. Now you will able to pile up barrels and use them to climb places.
- When shooting a cyberdemon, the bullets will also ricochet on his steel skeleton.
- Fixed Player's sprites flickering on Player Settings menu.
- Explosions over natural surfaces such as grass or dirt will launch lots of dirt and dust, into the air.
- Explosions over liquid surfaces will launch the liquid over the air, and will leave it smearing on the walls. (currently only for water)
- Mancubi will use a flamethrower alt attack when the player is too close.
- Recoil for all weapons remade.
- Updated weapon sprites.
- After a player dies, Demons and imps will pile up on it's body to eat it.
- Gibbing a monster, or exploding its head near a tree or barrel, will leave the object smeared with blood.
- Fixed many missing dynamic lights.
- Restored and improved old Plasmagun alt-fire.
- Restored old Plasmagun sprites.
- Chainsaw completely remade.
- Mancubus Flame Cannon has new skins, it's projectiles are no longer affected by gravity just like the Mancubi ones, and now the player can use a flamethrower alt fire.
- Stealth Kills on zombies and imps were improved. Even if you alert the enemy but is able to punch him before he turns, you will able to perform a stealth kill.
- Much improved most fire deaths.
- Fixed a bug making the Super Shotgun display its reload animation after the ammo runs out.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to fire the Super Shotgun with both barrels with only 1 shell remaining.
- Changed the internal code name of the RevenantMissiles to RevenantBalls because why not?
- Fixed a sploit that allowed players to jump over Pinky Demons, rendering their cornering abilities useless.
- Improved teleport effect.
- Zombies and the Mastermind now have vertical spread on their guns.
- When shooting trees, it will spawn wood chips.
- Restored shotgun's wooden grip and added DoomNukem's shotgun side sprites.
- Added an option to play with Vanilla Doom weapons.
- You will leave blood footprints after you step in a blood puddle, Duke Nukem-style.
- When you kill a zombie or imp with the shotgun, and sends it flying, it will get slumped if it hits a wall.
- Fixed a bug causing the Chaingunguy to have a vanilla Zombieman XDeath animation when killed by the SSG.
- Changed the way the Assault Rifle looks and works. It now uses Mike12's sprites, fires faster, and is meant to be fired in bursts. (Holding the fire button for too long will cause it to spread a lot)
- Added "Sling physics" to shotgun's animations.
- Fixed a bug causing the Archvile's body to block things even after death.
- Improved kicks. They deal more damage, and have a better feel.
- After you remove the arm from a Pinky demon, it will have a 50% chance of not dying and keep fighting you. He will move faster, but will eventually bleed out.
- Shotgun will no longer play the pump animation during reloads if you already have a shell in the chamber.
- Added Grenades. They can be picked up with Backpacks. You can either use a bind quick-toss them, or select them as an individual weapon on Slot 0.
- Added Friendly Marine variations. After rescued, they can either come up with a rifle, shotgun, minigun, plasmagun, rocket launcher, or BFG. You can now also release marines by
pressing use near them.
- Marines can follow orders. Press the Use button in front of them to change between "Follow" and "Hold Position" modes.
- Added ammo counter for SSG.
- Added a script will detect automatically if you are playing on SinglePlayer/Coop, and will automatically make your rockets and plasmaballs pass through other players/marines. This will also make any projectile of friendly marines to pass directly through you too.
- Friendly marines can't be killed by friendly fire.
- Bodies and gibs are no longer shootable.
- Reduced the duration of the camera shake caused by explosions by 50%.
- Fixed a bug causing stealth kills/fatalities to not happen if the player selected the fists where aiming down the sights with rifle/shotgun.
- Improved performance on maps that have lots of candles.
- Infrared will allow you to see Spectres like translucent pinkies.
- Fixed some bugs related to lamps. Also improved their destruction animations.
- Added map replacements for Doom 1's E2M8 and E3M8 featuring new boss fights.
- Added an unload function to remove ammo from the rifle, shotgun, and super shotgun.

- Added CVARs.

2 882

Re : Gaming news

http://www.factornews.com/actualites/sp … 40639.html

Hmm confier la licence W40K à Streum On, je sais pas... EYE Divine Cybermancy avait un design sympa mais les dialogues étaient à chier et je suis à peu près certain qu'il y avait des game-breaking bugs tel que celui qui m'a laissé bloqué sur une map à un moment, même malgré deux soluces. Enfin s'ils ont une vraie équipe de QA ça peut le faire.

Ne pas comprendre Booba c'est ne rien comprendre au rap. Pire encore quand t'en fais l'image du rappeur bas du front qui ne sait pas ecrire. Et je peux meme pas te dire d'arreter de resrer bloquer dans les 90's, a cette epoque il faisait le crime paie, bordel. - Jakovazor

2 883

Re : Gaming news

L'histoire sera écrite par Gav Thorpe, qui est probablement une célébrité chez les types qui peignent leur petites figurines de plastique hors de prix.

Haha, oui c'est une célébrité on peut dire ça comme ça.
Quand c'est stupide, mal intégré et bourrin, c'était lui.

2 884

Re : Gaming news

Bon après c'est space hulk hein, les scénars & maps existent déjà depuis perpette, reste juste à faire ça en 3D. Certains sont très dur pour l'un des camps, d'autres sont équlibrés.

2 885 Dernière modification par Loner (09-06-2015 21:30:29)

Re : Gaming news

Mastaba a écrit:

Brutal Doom v20 out! \o/


- Headshot system was completely remade. This fixed a bug causing headshot kills to not contabilize to a player's score on a multiplayer game, and has a better way to calculate damage input, making every attack deal a fixed double ammount of damage.
- Added uncountable new attack, pain, fatality, and death animations for all monsters.
- All gore and blood sprites from other games such as Blood were completely removed, and new ones, better fitting Doom's art style, were added.
- You can now dual wield the assault rifles.
- Many sounds for gore and environment were changed, to add more variety.
- Fixed a bug causing the Revenant Missile Launcher's projectiles to not lock on enemies.
- Blood pools will form around a killed monster.
- Greatly improved driping blood effects.
- Improved bullet decals.
- Every projectile such plasmaballs and fireballs will leave decals on floor and ceiling.
- The Spidermastermind's collision and movement was completely remade. Now the players will be able to walk under it's legs, but if you run directly into it's moving legs, you will be stomped.
- Fixed explosive barrel's colision. Now you will able to pile up barrels and use them to climb places.
- When shooting a cyberdemon, the bullets will also ricochet on his steel skeleton.
- Fixed Player's sprites flickering on Player Settings menu.
- Explosions over natural surfaces such as grass or dirt will launch lots of dirt and dust, into the air.
- Explosions over liquid surfaces will launch the liquid over the air, and will leave it smearing on the walls. (currently only for water)
- Mancubi will use a flamethrower alt attack when the player is too close.
- Recoil for all weapons remade.
- Updated weapon sprites.
- After a player dies, Demons and imps will pile up on it's body to eat it.
- Gibbing a monster, or exploding its head near a tree or barrel, will leave the object smeared with blood.
- Fixed many missing dynamic lights.
- Restored and improved old Plasmagun alt-fire.
- Restored old Plasmagun sprites.
- Chainsaw completely remade.
- Mancubus Flame Cannon has new skins, it's projectiles are no longer affected by gravity just like the Mancubi ones, and now the player can use a flamethrower alt fire.
- Stealth Kills on zombies and imps were improved. Even if you alert the enemy but is able to punch him before he turns, you will able to perform a stealth kill.
- Much improved most fire deaths.
- Fixed a bug making the Super Shotgun display its reload animation after the ammo runs out.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to fire the Super Shotgun with both barrels with only 1 shell remaining.
- Changed the internal code name of the RevenantMissiles to RevenantBalls because why not?
- Fixed a sploit that allowed players to jump over Pinky Demons, rendering their cornering abilities useless.
- Improved teleport effect.
- Zombies and the Mastermind now have vertical spread on their guns.
- When shooting trees, it will spawn wood chips.
- Restored shotgun's wooden grip and added DoomNukem's shotgun side sprites.
- Added an option to play with Vanilla Doom weapons.
- You will leave blood footprints after you step in a blood puddle, Duke Nukem-style.
- When you kill a zombie or imp with the shotgun, and sends it flying, it will get slumped if it hits a wall.
- Fixed a bug causing the Chaingunguy to have a vanilla Zombieman XDeath animation when killed by the SSG.
- Changed the way the Assault Rifle looks and works. It now uses Mike12's sprites, fires faster, and is meant to be fired in bursts. (Holding the fire button for too long will cause it to spread a lot)
- Added "Sling physics" to shotgun's animations.
- Fixed a bug causing the Archvile's body to block things even after death.
- Improved kicks. They deal more damage, and have a better feel.
- After you remove the arm from a Pinky demon, it will have a 50% chance of not dying and keep fighting you. He will move faster, but will eventually bleed out.
- Shotgun will no longer play the pump animation during reloads if you already have a shell in the chamber.
- Added Grenades. They can be picked up with Backpacks. You can either use a bind quick-toss them, or select them as an individual weapon on Slot 0.
- Added Friendly Marine variations. After rescued, they can either come up with a rifle, shotgun, minigun, plasmagun, rocket launcher, or BFG. You can now also release marines by
pressing use near them.
- Marines can follow orders. Press the Use button in front of them to change between "Follow" and "Hold Position" modes.
- Added ammo counter for SSG.
- Added a script will detect automatically if you are playing on SinglePlayer/Coop, and will automatically make your rockets and plasmaballs pass through other players/marines. This will also make any projectile of friendly marines to pass directly through you too.
- Friendly marines can't be killed by friendly fire.
- Bodies and gibs are no longer shootable.
- Reduced the duration of the camera shake caused by explosions by 50%.
- Fixed a bug causing stealth kills/fatalities to not happen if the player selected the fists where aiming down the sights with rifle/shotgun.
- Improved performance on maps that have lots of candles.
- Infrared will allow you to see Spectres like translucent pinkies.
- Fixed some bugs related to lamps. Also improved their destruction animations.
- Added map replacements for Doom 1's E2M8 and E3M8 featuring new boss fights.
- Added an unload function to remove ammo from the rifle, shotgun, and super shotgun.

- Added CVARs.

Je me suis fait 4 ou 5 niveaux de la campagne. Purée, c'est plus dur. J'ai aussi rejoué au niveau 1 en Deathmatch contre des 5 bots. Putain j'ai pas vu le temps passer, je me croyais dans une LAN de 1995. Par contre je n'ai trouvé aucun serveur up sad

2 886

Re : Gaming news

Je n'avais pas remarqué ce truc, une adaptation de Gravity :


2 887

Re : Gaming news

Ce jeu a l'air de démonter aussi, mais il faut un peu d'espace et une grande télé :


2 888

Re : Gaming news

صلاح الدين آكلى لحوم البش a écrit:

Je n'avais pas remarqué ce truc, une adaptation de Gravity :

ça doit être sympa avec l'Enculus Rift.

2 889

Re : Gaming news

Il est prévu pour normalement.

2 890

Re : Gaming news


"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather."

2 891

Re : Gaming news

Une bien belle simu de paquebot

2 892

Re : Gaming news

صلاح الدين آكلى لحوم البش a écrit:

Je n'avais pas remarqué ce truc, une adaptation de Gravity :


Wow, on rentre bien dedans.

Sim Star Trek n'est pas mal non plus. Surtout avec des bières.

2 893

Re : Gaming news

Franchement, ça doit être super top, ça c'est du jeu de rôle poussé dans ses extrêmes smile

2 894

Re : Gaming news

'tain, un survival dans l'espace. J'avais pas  < 3

Anna Navarre: You're wearing sunglasses on a night operation?
JC Denton: My vision is augmented.

2 895

Re : Gaming news

Loner a écrit:

Je me suis fait 4 ou 5 niveaux de la campagne. Purée, c'est plus dur. J'ai aussi rejoué au niveau 1 en Deathmatch contre des 5 bots. Putain j'ai pas vu le temps passer, je me croyais dans une LAN de 1995. Par contre je n'ai trouvé aucun serveur up sad

Faut utiliser Doomseeker (dans la version installable de Zandronum).
Mais t'arrives à avoir les bots? Parce que quand je lançe un skirmish les bots bougent et tirent pendant peut être 15s avant de s'arrêter à leur point de respawn sans rien faire.

2 896 Dernière modification par Loner (12-06-2015 16:34:35)

Re : Gaming news

Je n'ai utilisé que Zandronum, installé sur un Doom 2 (version Final Doom). Et en fait le deathmatch je l'ai fait comme ça. Je n'ai lancé Brutal Doom que pour faire la campagne. Les bots sont ok sur la map 1 sauf dans la cache du lance roquettes où ils ont tendance à rester bloqués le nez au mur.

edit : en effet, Brutal Doom en skirmish c'est n'importe quoi : les contrôles ne fonctionnent plus et les bots figent. Zarb.
Je viens d'essayer Doomseeker : ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a du monde par contre jouer est impossible en pratique car ces ramassis de connards ont installés des tas de mode à la con. Je les emmerde et je vais faire autre chose du coup.

2 897 Dernière modification par NiarkNiark (15-06-2015 08:29:54)

Re : Gaming news


Je ne suis pas emballé.
La roue de dialogue pour mongolien sur console me donnent envie de péter mes cd de Fallout 1et 2.
Et toutes leurs conneries de crafts et de build, je vois d'ici le problème avec l'interface faite pour les mêmes mongoliens.

SojaMoule : "Tu perds ton temps, c'est l'asile et je t'emmerde. Dans ta forteresse de certitudes apprises à l'école ou dans tes lectures, tu n'es pas le dépositaire de la vérité absolue."
Reblochon : "As-tu quelque chose d'intéressant et constructif à dire  ? Oui ? Lâche toi ! Non ? TA PUTAIN DE GUEULE D'ATTARDÉ, tu la fermes. Bisous"

2 898

Re : Gaming news

Ce qui me rend un peu triste c'est ce Doom4. Brutal Doom avec ses gros pixels m'a l'air 25x plus gore et rapide que ce truc lent et mou blindé de killmove à la noix.

2 899

Re : Gaming news

je me suis arrété à 40sec, les mecs parlent d'un truc pour sculpter le visage de son perso.
Niquez vous putain.

2 900

Re : Gaming news

NiarkNiark a écrit:

La roue de dialogue pour mongolien sur console me donnent envie de péter mes cd de Fallout 1et 2.

En même temps si c'est la team responsable du 3, t'as déjà pété tes cd 1 & 2.
Vous vous rappelez de la map d'oblivion vanilla xbox powered?

Kek a écrit:

Ce qui me rend un peu triste c'est ce Doom4. Brutal Doom avec ses gros pixels m'a l'air 25x plus gore et rapide que ce truc lent et mou blindé de killmove à la noix.

Ca y'est y'a des vidéo de gameplay autre qu'un revenant vu 3 secs?