Sujet : "The World?s first Black Metal Porn movie"
Phallusifer – The Immoral Code’ The World’s first Black Metal Porn movie.
The theme of the move is as such, Hardcore porn with hints of SM and Satanic imagery, and the soundtrack is mainly comprised of decadent black metal music “I am now contemplating on which bands’ music to use for the movie” states the director . Bands that feel their music should be on the movie get in touch. At this we at Karnal Film are looking and talking with distribution companies/record companies that will be able to make this film available to the extreme metal masses.
Record labels that want to place ads on the DVD feel free to get in touch as well
If successful this will be the first of many movies to come, we aim to have people from metal and gothic bands to get in touch to act in newer volumes however we also will consider other applicants.
(males and females wanting to be part of part 2. contact us.) (attention pas pour les nenfants).
Bon, pour ceux qui ont la flemme je résume: un blackeux a bracelet cloutés qui nique une blackeuse. Un peu de SM. On voit rien dans le trailer.