Re : Actu
Conrad a écrit:Après selon l'article c'est un peu le même problème que le gouvernement français qui utilise Telegram, ils n'ont pas de solution officielle et approuvée pour discuter par messagerie téléphone.
Bien sûr que si, mais la flemme d'utiliser le truc, lol.
The Signal app is not approved by the government for sharing classified information. The government has its own systems for that purpose. If officials want to discuss military activity, they should go into a specially designed space known as a sensitive compartmented information facility, or SCIF—most Cabinet-level national-security officials have one installed in their home—or communicate only on approved government equipment, the lawyers said. Normally, cellphones are not permitted inside a SCIF, which suggests that as these officials were sharing information about an active military operation, they could have been moving around in public.
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