Une fuite d'oxygène détectée sur un vaisseau Soyouz russe arrimé à l'ISS
https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/es … 17787.html
The ISS is currently experiencing a slow depressurization in the Russian segment, the crew is not in danger and is searching for the leak
https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments … ng_a_slow/
Update: the leak would be in the orbital module of the Soyuz docked to MRM-1 (Rassvet).
Update 2: they found a 2mm hole near the hatch of the Soyuz.
Update 3: the hole is covered (possibly by tape, I'm not sure using Alexander Gerst's finger for now) and the pressure is now stable.
Update 4: Alexander said it looked like a drilled hole that might have been there for quite some time, I'm not sure about what I hear but the repair might be a little bit more complicated since covering it is not entirely stopping the leak. Some pieces of metal might have been twisted a bit.
Update 5: the hole has been covered by kapton tape, but there would still be a small leak.
Update 6 (edited for clarification): the depressurization rate has been divided by 6, which means that at this rate of depressurization they'll run out of air in 18 days (and of course it's not going to happen! It's just a way to picture it) which gives them a lot of time to find a solution.
Update 7: astronauts are currently searching for the external holes from the Cupola using zoom lenses and binoculars. The inner hole is going to be repared using a special kit (I'm unsure about what it is exactly, sorry)
Update 8: the current depressurization rate is of 0,1mmHg/min which is not a problem, it's going to be fixed very soon I believe. The crew is not in danger and this isn't a big emergency.
Update 9: official NASA blog post about the event
Update 10: Pictures of the hole have been sent to the ground and are being studied.
Update 11: The livestream is not giving any new information for now, so I'm stopping the live coverage for now. I'll try to keep you updated if something happens. If I got anything wrong during the updates I'm sorry but it's really hard to understand exactly what's being said on the livestream!
Update 12: Patches are currently being installed over the hole.
Update 13: I haven't been following the livestream for quite some time but from what I heard, astronauts and ground team are still searching for the best way to entirely fix the issue since some air is still leaking very slowly (approx 0.6mmHg/hr from what I read).
Update 14: There has been a small disagreement between Houston and Moscow about the fix of the situation, NASA Astronaut Drew Feustel asked for more time of thinking but Russian ground team wants to take care of the issue faster using sealant.
Update 15: Russian ground team asked to wait 1 hour before doing anything with the sealant.
j'ai lu en diagonale ce midi. un objet céleste aurait percé une couche extérieure du soyouz. à l'interieur ils ont découvert un trou fait à la perceuse de 2mm. y'en a un qui va prendre un blâme ![smile](https://www.lesitedecuisine.fr/forum/img/smilies/smile.png)
du coup probablement avec la dilatation et les forces subies par la station un leak s'est créé.
j'ai souri tout seul au boulot en visualisant le cosmonaute mettre tout simplement son doigt pour colmater le trou le temps que ses collègues aillent chercher le rouleau de chatterton.
C'est mon idée la glue dans les lance flammes.